Friday, April 16, 2010

Amazing Race Europe

April 6, 2010 Tuesday
Our last day in Rome … in Europe! I can’t be doleful because at that moment, we were back in our Amazing Race mode, getting up early and planning to catch a cab, express train and plane by 8 a.m. We were up at 5:30 a.m. and I barely slept a wink. It was still dark and nobody was in the front. I panicked until one of the regular clerks appeared, ready to help us along. He told us to grab some breakfast before we left, even though they were just beginning to set up the breakfast buffet. That was my cue to pilfer a few packets of Nutella and packaged toast. Our cab arrived shortly after, and we began to plot our way through Termini, since we’ve been so successful with this station in the past. Not. Our gregarious cabbie made an offer I could not refuse. For a few extra euros, we could bypass the express train and he would drive us straight to Rome International Airport - Fiumicino and save two hours. It would cost 45 € euros ($60). I was forewarned how expensive taxis were and we avoided it for most of our trip. This time, it was worth it. We sat back and he proceeded to give us a tour of Rome while adding superfluous commentary. He went on and on about the politics, the Vatican … but all I heard was, Tom Hanks, cameras allowed for the first time in the Vatican, and Da Vinci Code. We arrived at Fiumicino within 45 minutes. We had plenty of time to get my last, genuine cappuccino in Rome and await our 12-hour flight to Atlanta. While we sat back on the plane and watched 6 movies (yes, over SIX: Crazy Heart, Paper Heart, Law Abiding Citizen, The Invention of Lying, Paris, It’s Complicated, and New Moon — ok, only the good parts because we know I’ve seen this before!), I thought about our last few days… 

I have always wanted to be a contestant in The Amazing Race. During our whole trip, I realized I was living that dream — with the exception of eating unusual, bad food. I felt extremely fortunate to have shared my first European trip with Beau, and I hoped she gained a wonderful experience from it. I know I did. We will remember those special moments: cursing and freezing whilst on top of a giant antennae; flaming pub waiter; scratch, scratch… I can’t believe I’m pantomiming for my lack of French; Beau popping my first toe blister from all the walking; and the Italians who shamelessly flirted with Beau. I would do it all over again, in a heart beat. 
If you have not followed and want a glimpse into our amazing adventure (amazing for me, anyway) you may begin at Day 1 HERE, then click on Newer Post for each day until you reach Day 10. Ten days in three wondrous cities of Europe. 

{Photos: Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved}

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