Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dear Gavin…

I heard the news today, oh boy… 
So, some thugs jumped you in NYC a few blocks by the bar you co-own with your brother and this means you may not be back on your feet to join Maroon 5, Train, and Matt Nathanson on their fall tour – of which I have a prime ticket for. You will be missed but mostly, I hope you have a speedy recovery and don’t let this unfortunate incident get you down. 
I was reminiscing about the first time I saw you a few years ago. Man that was a trip. Back then, most people knew you as that singer on “One Tree Hill.” So I shouldn’t have been surprised when we arrived at The Blue Note to a mass of gigantically tall ladies fawning over the chick-love-song singer {you}. The exception being me and Lynsie. Don’t get me wrong, we love your voice and you have that John Mayer-trick-the girls-with-your-songs. But even in a roomful of screaming ladies, there must be a few of us who have decorum and admire quietly.
{Ren Reiske © 2008 All Rights Reserved)
More than anyone {see how I worked that in?}, I wish you well. If you surprise your fans by showing up on stage at Kansas City, I will be in the third row beaming. Quietly.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sad. I remember a friend of mine copying his cd for me many, many years ago (I was still working in JC back then) and I used to listen to it every day at work.


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