Saturday, July 23, 2011

How To Be An Artist #12

Be free. There are so many ways I can do this. I may have to post this # more than once. My thoughts immediately went to the summer when we took a family trip to Colorado. Hiking, horse-back-riding, biking, canoeing, floating … and the craziest thing {crazy because I allowed my very young children to do this after our guides assured us it was safe} jumping off a very steep cliff into the cold Colorado River. Jordan, who was 7 at the time, went first. I remember him having all the gusto and lack of fear, running and jumping. Me, panicking. I was waiting in the water and when he surfaced, blood was running from his nose and screaming ensued. From me. The impact caused the nose bleed but Jordan was fine – all smiles and ready to go again. This was FREEDOM and madness. Crazy as it was, we all tried it once, just for the taste of freedom.

{Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved}
Express yourself. I’ve been making these cute Chevron bracelets. Not only does it take me back to my youth, but there’s something very relaxing about making them. Like knitting, it takes patience and a bit of methodical thinking. When you’re done, there’s that satisfaction of creating something out of simple, colored threads. I hope to improve and move on to more complicated pieces like this bracelet. Loving the lucky elephant motif.
Freedom is…
fun thong cookies made with a heart-shaped cookie cutter…
a beautiful, bare back…
visuals that get to the point. :) Stay free.
It started here.

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