Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13. In my bag

{Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved}
Coach purse: keys, Orbit gum {love that dirty mouth package}, iPhone, earbuds {need music every day}, Neosporin {my cure for just about everything}, mini journal {lists and notes, a friend brought this back from England}, wallet, Clinique lipstick {Different Grape}, Tokyomilk gloss {Salted Caramel, tastes so good on your lips}.

I carry a big bag. The bigger, the more stuff I accumulate. So I’ve been carrying a smaller purse and trimming the clutter. The items I can’t do without: keys, iPhone, cash/card/ID, lipstick. Eventually, I’d like to leave the purse and just depend on my pockets. Simplify.

1 comment:

  1. I could clean out my purse and 5 min later it's a disaster. Love your purse! And what a cool iPhone cover.


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