Friday, October 23, 2015

Kaylee | Class of 2016

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
~ Albert Camus

I LOOOVE when I receive wonderful emails from excited moms and seniors. I just know the session will be a FUN adventure ... and this was!
KATNISS has nothing on her! 


Hometown:  Sturgeon, MO

Three words that describe me are outgoing, compassionate, and responsible.

Hobbies/Activities (outside of school): hunting, fishing, and working (dietary aide at a nursing home)

My favorite TV show is FRIENDS, because it shows how loyal people can be to a friendship/relationship in good times and bad.

Describe your perfect day: Relaxing on a beautiful fall day with the people I love or spending time in the outdoors somewhere.

What are your plans after graduation? I plan to go to nursing school to become an RN and then to eventually work in a hospital ER as a trauma nurse. 
A special tribute to her grandpa, a Vietnam veteran, who passed away in March.

This was such a beautiful fall day with quiet, pretty Kaylee and her friendly crew. A shout out THANKS to my last-minute assistant, RYan, who made sure poisonous spiders stayed out of my camera bag and kept things at a NON-glacial pace! Thank you Nicole and Kaylee for choosing 2Rtist Photography and allowing me to capture your senior moments. xoxo Ren


  1. Thank you Ren!!!!! These photos capture how truly beautiful my baby girl is inside and out. Loved every minute of our memory making session.

    1. Nicole,
      You and Kaylee were a JOY to work with, and we could not have asked for a more perfect day! You are WELCOME. :) Ren


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