Monday, June 13, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

{Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved} 
My daily jaunt to work consists of a nice drive through the backroads of spiraling countryside. As the sun was coming up and storm clouds were threatening to roll in, I found myself slowing down to keep from hitting a fawn. It’s not unusual to see deer on this road, but at that very second, with Kings of Leon’s Use Somebody blaring in the background, I had a moment. The small doe didn’t run across but languidly ran on the road and I slowly followed behind until she ran off into the tall grass. You know those moments where everything slows down and you see things clearly, and it’s perfect. 
Those moments exist and are most apparent when you are someplace different and taking in all the new sites and sounds … but clearly, it’s everywhere, even home. 
I’ve been reminiscing about distant places lately which brought my attention to one fellow traveler. I was inspired by his gumption and fearless attitude to live his dream. His name is Colin Wright and from the great town of CoMo. It’s inspiring to see someone young achieve what others may view as unattainable, but I believe most dreamers who are doers, do in fact succeed. It doesn’t hurt that he looks like a young Ethan Hawke and after receiving a quick reply from him, I had to smile at his motivational and networking skills. {By the way, Colin, I rarely watch TV, especially reality shows or So You Think You Can Dance … so that road block will never happen. However, the stupid voice comes in the form of my thinking, “I don’t want to end up like that guy who thought he could live with grizzly bears, only to be eaten up by one.” But thank you for keeping the traveling designer dream alive.}. Creative inspiration came from him this week, so I will place this shameless plug (he’s all over the map so one more won’t hurt) for Mr. Wright.

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