Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brit Pack: Bobby Long

Saturday  May 15, 2010
When I heard that one of the Brit Pack (Bobby Long, Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster, and that notorious vampire) was at Mojo’s, I had to check it out. I’ve heard a few of Bobby’s songs since he gained attention from co-writing a song for Twilight. It was about 9:40 p.m. and I look over and there’s Bobby walking in by the merchandise. Since nobody else noticed, I went over and chatted with him until a small line formed and he was gifted with homemade cookies and a case of Heineken from loyal fans. Earlier, his assistant told us Bobby was dealing with a cold but when Bobby walked on stage with just his guitar, harmonica, and Heineken beer, his raspy voice and performance did not disappoint. He put so much energy and soul into his singing, you could see sweat dripping off his face. I wanted to push that hair off his face and throw him a towel. My favorites were Who Have You Been Loving (he tried to make light of Jesse James and Tiger Woods) and The Bounty of Mary Jane
Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved

Matt Pond PA came on next — very lively and ready to party. Hey, Ryan, he’s not British, haha.
Most of the musicians I’ve met after a gig, almost always apologize for being sweaty — except for Mat Kearney, because he was FRESH — and I never know what to say! So when I said, “I don’t mind sweat,” Matt Pond gave me a strange look. Way to go
Photo: Ryan Murray

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