Tattoo girl and javelina, a.k.a. skunk pig.
Unfortunately, Lars was booked until 11 p.m.
Since one should never get a tattoo on an empty stomach, we made trips to El Rancho, Kaldi’s and Cold Stone Creamery to pass the time. It was 10:30 p.m. by the time we rounded back to banter with the men in black.
Did you know that babies have 300 bones? Babies HAVE bones. There’s a COAST off Minnesota by that lake. If you get a piercing on your ***, your *** may reject it and then you end up with a split ***. That one is true.
It was closer to midnight by the time the shop was cleared out and Lars was ready for Lauren. Lauren was a bit shaky but she endured it like a pro.
{Ren Reiske © All Rights Reserved}
Learn from yesterday
Live for today
Hope for tomorrow
Thanks girls for “the longest night ever!” {Jenna}
I wish I was as talented as you. I guess it gives me something to live for.