Friday, April 1, 2011

Do what you love

My day began with less than four hours of sleep and segued to a 3-hours seminar with motivational speaker, Dr. Pelizza—talking about The Positive Principles for Better Living. He is like the perky buzz one gets from a strong cup of java. As I listened and participated in his morning talk {have I mentioned that I am not a morning person?}, those key things that one knows and experiences come back to light for me. Having gone through a few major changes recently, I could relate to his words and actions. Been there, done that. But I thought it was a nice wake-up call and reminder of what’s important in my life and how to keep positive about change. 
EP — his coined term for Emotional + Personal: what is most important to us. For me, it’s my family, my health/well-being and life goals, which are always evolving and changing. According to Pelizza, CHANGE is good. “What’s familiar doesn’t create energy.” And change happens, so change before you have to. Amen
This reminds me, I really need to get back on that 4-hour body plan and daily exercise routine. Be accountable {tell others, receive support} and track it {journaling, blogging :) }. 
Pelizza also mentioned bullies. “Bullying in this country is unbelievable.” I could only smile and think, I survived that type of environment. At some point, I stopped believing the manipulative lies and negative talking. YOU control what you think and how you feel. Yes sir, I do. 
Be better. That should be on a t-shirt or wallpaper on my Mac. There is always room for improvement. Make it better. Be better, be better. The power of positive thinking. 
It’s all too familiar, but when life is difficult, I have these reminders: Hard but not impossible. Give it time
It was enlightening to start April’s Fool Day on a positive note. No tricks today, just good thoughts and new goals. Do what you love. What do you want to be better at? What motivates you to move and go forward?

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are a great motivation. They believe in you. They teach grace.


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