Friday, August 26, 2011

How To Be An Artist #18

Refuse to be responsible. I didn’t set out to do that. But it just happened. I received my first speeding ticket. Ever. I didn’t feel creative or adventurous ... just miserable and loathsome. Lately, I’ve been very irresponsible with my diet and work-out routine. Madness, I know. Sark must have figured that in doing this {not being responsible}, it takes us out of our safe element and opens our eyes to new things. So true. 
My eyes have been opened to few, new things. Here’s my brief confession, in my most honest voice: Designers have their mean reds too. I know it looks like we have fun, and you probably think we just draw pictures all day and learn new nerdy tricks on the Mac {ok, some of us do}. But it’s not always fun and easy because like any job, it’s a business. 
A few designer life lessons that I’ve learned (over again):

1. The simplest projects are never simple. If each draft (for one, simple job) equaled a meal, there would be a village of happy children in Africa.

2. Never fall in love with one of your innovative and creative designs. In the end, they always go for the old, been there/done that, big and ugly.

3. People get hung up on the weirdest thing. For instance, when I receive a design request for a calling card, people will obsess over every bit of information. Hello. It's not a book, it's a card. Nobody really cares about all that *@^}, they just want your digits. 

4. It doesn’t matter what color you go with. With 20 cooks in the kitchen, one is bound to hate that color. Oh, I didn’t realize Pantone made f*©king green.

5. There are clients who never want change. Even when change is needed. And it doesn’t matter how well you present the new idea, people who don’t like change will look at you like you’ve asked them to fly to the moon.

I’m going to stop now and find my happy place, sketchbook and Mac in tow. Speaking of happy place, here’s a pretty picture of the goodies that lovely Lynsie brought back from lovely London. She knew I was having a difficult week {being responsible and all}. 

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